Who are we

Media is a powerful platform that has the power to bring meaningful change to society.

Huma Media is a not-for-profit organisation established in Australia by and for diaspora communities from Afghanistan. We broadcast multi-media programs on social media platforms about topics of interest to our audiences, to help them feel uplifted and entertained, informed and empowered. 

Media has not been part of Afghanistan culture, and our communities are understandably wary of Western media which commonly portrays a negative image of Afghanistan and its peoples.

Our programs, broadcast in Dari, Farsi and Hazaragi, feature interviews with accomplished and inspiring people from our communities. We focus on topics and issues that help our communities better connect with our new home in Australia.

Our vision is

A more inclusive Australia where people from communities who speak Dari, Farsi and Hazaragi feel seen, empowered, informed and supported.

Our mission is

To give diaspora communities from Afghanistan a voice through media.